St-Peter Street Montreal, Dowker & McIntosh wholesale leather merchants

Bachground info: owners of the company Dowker & McIntosh

Saint-Peter Street is today known as Rue Saint-Pierre. House numbers counted up from the port side. It started with house number one at the port end of the street. The north side had uneven house numbers and the south side had even numbers. Dowker & McIntosh was first at 70 St-Peter (Lovel's directory from 1895) and later at 31 St-Peter (Lovel's directory from 1912). They did probably move. It's unlikely that the houses were renumbered during that time period.

Rue Saint-Pierre is today a street with mostly apartments. At the time of Leslie Dowker this street was full of businesses and offices. The buildings are however still standing. They were just renovated on the inside and then converted into apartments.

The intersections to St-Peter Street are as follows:

House number 31 was a bit before Place d'Youville (Commissioners St). It was on the same side as the Central Fire Station (Today 335 Pl. d'Youville. Central Fire Station is now a museum.). House number 70 was shortly after Le Moyne Street (Lemoine St).

Dowker in the Lovels Directory from 1895
Montreal downtown at the time of Leslie Rose Dowker, St Peter Street marked, map from 1895, source: Montreal Archives
Houses on St-Peter Street, Lovels Directory 1912, source: Banq
Atlas of Montreal, 1912, 31 St-Peter Street marked with orange dot, source: /ark:/52327/2244204
Atlas of Montreal, 1912, 70 St-Peter Street marked with orange dot, source: /ark:/52327/2244204
31 St-Peter Street (to the right of the water hydrant, 145 Rue St-Pierre), Central Fire Station is the red building in the back, source: google street-view, 2020
70 St-Peter Street (probaly second entrance on the left, today 424 Rue St-Pierre), source: google street-view, 2018
Tariff changes kill Dowker & McIntosh company, source: Montreal Daily Star, Sep 18, 1911, click to read

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