Johann Friedrich Korn
ca.1784/85 - May 25, 1833
father: Johann Georg Korn
mother: Christiane Korn nee Prager

May 2, 1819
Johanne Marie Korn nee Reinecke
ca.1887 - June 29, 1843
father: David Reinecke
mother: Margartha Reinecke nee Beutlern
known children:
son: Carl Friedrich Andreas Korn, January 23, 1820 - November 10, 1820
daughter: Marie Albertine Regine Korn, January 31, 1822 - April 26, 1822
Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Korn, May 8, 1824 - December 15, 1894
It seems that the Napoleonic Wars brought Johann Friedrich to Magdeburg from the altenburgischen area (but I am not quite sure where he lived or where this even is exactly, in his wedding document it says that his parents lived there).
Johanne whose parents lived around Magdeburg had already been married with the much older widower and brew master August Fahsel. I could find 2 children but none of them survived.
When August Fahsel died in Dezember 1818 he left Johanne and 3 kids. Of the 3 kids, one daughter was for sure from his first marriage and I almost assume that the other 2 were as well.
Johann Friedrich and Johanne had 3 children together, 2 sons and 1 daughter but only their last born, my 3.greatgrandfather Carl survived.
Johann Friedrich worked as a clock and watchmaker.
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