HP42S / DM42 program: convert a floating point number into a fraction (numerator and denominator)

Start a new program with:   GTO . .   PRGM

key commands                            display
                                        { 45-Byte Prgm }
  CONVERT ABS                          ABS
STO   ALPHA X                          STO "X"
1                                       1
STO   ALPHA D                          STO "D"
  PGM.FCN LBL 01                       LBL 01
R-arrow_down                            R↓
1/x                                     1/X
STO *   ALPHA D                        STO* "D"
  CONVERT FP                           FP
0.00001                                 0.00001
  PGM.FCN X?Y X<=Y                     X<=Y
 GTO 01                                GTO 01
RCL   ALPHA X                          RCL "X"
RCL   ALPHA D                          RCL "D"
*                                        *
  PGM.FCN PSE                          PSE
  LAST X                               LASTX

This program is executed with XEQ FRACT

Using the program

Convert 0.15625 into a fraction:

You type: 0.15625 XEQ FRACT
The display shows "running" and then you see first 5 and a few sec later 32. The fraction is therefore 5/32 (numerator=5 and denominator=32). 5 remains in the Y register of the stack and 32 in X.

Note that this program shows the resulting fraction always with positive numbers. That is: both 0.15625 and -0.15625 will result in 5/32. An extra step could be added to add the sign at the end but that would make the program longer and it's not really needed.

If the program runs for a very long time and displays finally "Out of Range" then the number can not be converted into a reasonable fraction.


0.15625 -> 1/0.15625 = 6.4
take the fraction part only: 0.4
0.4 -> 1/0.4 = 2.5
take the fraction part only: 0.5
0.5 -> 1/0.5 = 2
take the fraction part only: 0
0 -> end of program

denominator = 6.4 * 2.5 * 2 = 32
numerator = 0.15625 * denominator = 0.15625 * 32 = 5

Written by Guido Socher ( guidosocher@fastmail.fm )