The FRITZ FARM (19 acres north of the LAKESHORE ROAD) including all buildings, was purchased by the TOWN OF BAIE D'URFE from the GEORGE E. FRITZ estate in JUNE 1979. Included in this transaction was the ceding of the waterfront strip to the Town, providing that it be zoned, developed and maintained as a park for the residents of Baie d'Urfé. Plans are now underway for the development of this land, which would give the Town waterfront access and parkland from the TOWN HALL (east end) to the property opposite the Whiteside Taylor Centre (west end).

Last fall Council constituted a Fritz Farm Planning Committee with a mandate to develop medium and long range plans for the development and use of the FRITZ FARM. The following Baie d'Urfé residents volunteered to serve on this committee:

Wayne Belvedere
Bill O'Flaherty
Mike Boysen
Harold Smithman
Ray Graham
John Weir
Dave Lawson

The committee also includes the Town Manager, Bill Dancey and Councillors Lionel Groom and Michael Harper.

Progress of Committee

1. Review of Buildings and Property
a) Main House - 12 room, 4330 square foot clapboard, 2 1/2 storey and basement - built 1910.
b) Farm House - 7 room, 1908 sq. ft., two storey and basement, cedar shake cottage, - built 1910.
c) Garage and Coach House - concrete block and stucco - built around 1914.
d) Barn - beam-frame construction, wood curtain wall exterior, 1/2 tinned and 1/2 tiled roof.

2. Overall Philosophy by Committee re Planning
- "Greatest benefit for the majority of Baie d'Urfé residents over the greatest lenth of time".

The committee also agreed that the following should form a theme for the planning: "recreational", "cultural", "quality green spaces", "on-going" place, "live" place, "people" place.

3. Possible Uses
Comprehensive reports are now being prepared by the committee outlining a number of possible uses for the land and buildings. Any residents with ideas or suggestions are in vited to submit them to the following committee members:

LAND - Ray Graham and Harold Smithman
BARN - Wayne Belvedere and Mike Boysen
HOUSE(S) - Dave Lawson and John Weir

Over the summer months the committee has been inactive but hopes to present an interim report to Council within the next two months.
Please feel free to contact any member of the committee or Town Councillor regarding your thoughts or ideas for the long range planning of the "FRITZ FARM".

Michael Harper Planning Committee


Images of the original N&V article from Sep. 1980:

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