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Cold sores are supposed to be caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and this virus is a common and re-occurring problem for many people. A whole shelf of remedies exist at your pharmacy and doctors have also
some more powerful prescription stuff but essentially they can't do much. Doctors will tell you that you have to live with it. All the stuff they have gives temporary relieve and hopefully accelerates healing but there is apparently no cure.
It has been a conspiracy for a long time that Big Pharma has been hiding cures so they can reap massive profits treating symptoms instead of curing or eradicating the cause.
The flu and especially a Covid-19 infection can trigger an outbreak of cold sores. It comes usually after the main disease is over. A fews days or a week later you get a tingling feeling around the lips and this is the start of a cold sore.
I treat Covid-19 with a combination of Z-stack and ivermectin. I have never been sick for more than a day with covid. In fact I was not sure that I even had covid after my first infection during the delta-wave in 2021. Symptoms started in the morning and in the late afternoon I was done with it. No more runny nose, nothing. This opened my eyes very much to the pharma ivermectin scare and fraud. I had been suffering from seasonal flu like illnesses for decades and here was this novel disease that is supposedly more severe than the flu and it can be cured within hours if addressed early. I was speechless. I have to say that current variants such EG.5 as are generally milder but replicate faster and are therefore more difficult to treat with ivermectin than the early variants. So don't expect the same miracle if you are new to ivermectin but it still makes a difference.
The problem for me is not covid itself but the cold sores that follow.
There is some evidence that Ivermectin might be effective for HSV-1. See:
Taking human ivermectin tablets orally does not prevent cold sores. It might accelerate the healing but it does not seem to be a cure. The concentration at the site of infection is too low. There is however horse-paste. It's over the counter and it is basically ivermectin dissolved in vegetable oil and then made into a gel by adding aerosil (silicon dioxide) or titanium dioxide. Dependent on the gelling agent you get either a transparent gel or a white gel. There is also a transparent paste containing moxidectin with a water based gelling agent. It works too. These pastes are ideal for topical applications!
I gave it a try: At the onset of a cold sore I put a dab of ivermectin paste on it. It still became a cold sore but it disappeared quickly. I kept applying ivermectin paste until it was gone. I keep also taking the Z-stack, NAC and resveratol during this phase but I don't know if this is really needed or how much it helps.
I had now covid and/or the flu a few times. Subsequently the cold sores would show up. However I notice a pattern: Cold sore don't come back at any of the spots where I had previously cured one with ivermectin paste. It seems to me that ivermectin paste eradicates the virus but an outbreak must happen for ivermectin paste to get rid of the cause. That is: it does not do anything while the virus is sleeping but it seems to cure you from it during the active phase and it prevents a re-infection at that spot.
I am pretty sure about this because I do not longer get any cold sores on the upper left side of my lip and for the past decades this was the main spot of bother. So I am hoping that eventually there will be no more cold sores at all. It might take a few years to get there but I am optimistic.
Note: I am aware that according to the theory of virology the herpes virus infects you and integrates into cells. The HSV virus can use some unknown mechanism to hide inside nerve cells (ganglionic neurons) where the immune system can not see it. It should therefore not be possible cure cold sores unless something else is happening. It is possible that this virus theory is incomplete or wrong. In any case I will keep you updated as this experiment about the effectiveness of Ivermectin against cold sores continues.
No cold sores yet but I have learned something new and I would like to thank Andreas Oehler for writing about BHT (see his article below). BHT is an antiviral that treats a number of
lipid envelope viral diseases. BHT is approved as a food additive in small
quantities (often shown on the label as E321). BHT is also a powerful fat soluble antioxidant and it's added to food or cosmetics to
extend the shelf life. As a preservative it prevents oils and fats from getting rancid.
I knew about BHT as an ingredient in store bought lard or cosmetics and I had used it
myself in salves but it was new to me that it is also a powerful antiviral against all lipid envelope
I agree that fresh and organic products are the best but the same natural product companies often
claim that BHT causes cancer. I have studied BHT and my conclusion
is that those cancer claims are unfounded. BHT might however be an endocrine disrupter (see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11061995/: Estrogenic alkylphenols induce cell death by inhibiting testis endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) pumps, published Nov. 2, 2000 ) but that is probably only a concern with chronic long term use. My personal opinion is that there is no noticeable side effect with short term (few days to weeks) medical use. BHT seems to be much safer than any of the prescription antivirals available for cold sores. BHT is not accumulating in the body (it's cleared by the liver).
Here are some resources to learn about BHT. It's been on the market for a very long time:
Everything mentioned here will likely work for shingles.
See article by Dr Tess Lawrie: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/retired-general-practitioner-finds.
The above article by Dr Lawrie is about a retired doctor treating his wife with ivermectin tablets. I believe that his wife would
have been cured even faster if he had used ivermectin paste as a topical cream.
I had a runny nose for two days. Not very severe, but I had to blow my nose a few times per day, and I always had a few paper tissues in my pocket just in case I needed them. The area under the nose became inflamed and red on day three, and toward the afternoon of that day, a small bump formed about halfway between my mouth and nose. I knew right away that this would become a cold sore.
I applied ivermectin paste and I prepared the above BHT salve without pine tar but with a bit more Sea Buckthorn. After a couple of
hours of ivermectin paste I wiped the ivermectin off and applied the BHT salve. For the next day I alternated every 1-3 hours between the two.
The results were just outstanding. Throw your Docsanol and Acyclovir in the garbage! The combination of ivermectin paste and the BHT salve works like nothing else I had ever used. It stops the herpes virus in its tracks. A full cold sore does not even form. It just goes away.
No cold sore was forming in any of the previous cold sore areas near the mouth and lips. In other words everything seems to work as anticipated. A cold sore appears but once it has been cured in this location (using the above protocol) it will not come back anymore. That area seems to be cured permanently.
In June I will collect St John's Wort and the plan is to add it and for a triple action cure: ivermectin paste, BHT salve, St John's Wort oil.
Most search engines are no longer searching. They are instead analyzing pages to build an opinion about the meaning. Maybe it's even worse and the opinion is controlled. I don't know. The engines are definitely not just searching to provide matches. In the past you could specify a number of key words and
the search engine (google or any other engine) would turn up pages that contained such words or synonyms of these words. It would maybe rank them such that sponsored results came first and then "trusted sources" would appear but it would show further down all kinds of matching sites.
It seems that's no longer the case. AI has come around to provide some understanding of what the meaning
of a certain text is and if that meaning does not match "trusted opinions" then it's completely omitted from
the results. Type "permanent cure for cold sores" and you will find all kinds of pages explaining that it's not possible to cure cold sores but this page will not be there.
Google removed in 2018 the "do no evil" from its company values. Google was always just an advertisement agency but over time they have become evil and greedy.
This article is getting long so if you just want to know what to do then read the cold sore protocol one pager.
I have had a tiny coldsore and I tested just Peppermint essential oil (on its own) to see how well it works.
Amazing stuff. The coldsore disappeared before it even became a full cold sore. It's not as long lasting
as BHT because essential oils evaporate but if you re-apply it from time to time then it works like a charm.
No new cold sores yet but the Midwestern Doctor suggests that DMSO would work very well.
It's possible to get DMSO gel (70% DMSO and 30% aloe vera gel) and that could easily be
applied around the lips. Note that you should not combine DMSO with any of the other substances
mentioned here as this can make them toxic. DMSO allows smaller molecules that would normally
stay on the skin to penetrate the skin and things that are non toxic on the skin may be toxic below the skin or inside the body. Wash the skin and remove also any creams or lipstick before applying DMSO gel. When you use soaps or cleaners to clean the skin then make sure that there are no residues of those cleaners either.
I believe that one could also mix some Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) with the DMSO to increase the potency. The "Universal Antidote, 2021 Documentary" video has towards the end some testimony of a women who accidently cured a herpes type infection while taking ClO2 for other reasons. Note that you should mix ClO2 solution and DMSO on the skin or immediately prior to the application. If you store both in a mixture for several days then the DMSO will slowly degrade the ClO2.